August 8th, 2023

The Many Benefits of Chronic Care Management

Jen Nicastro, Chief Nursing Officer
Jen Nicastro, Chief Nursing Officer

Chronic care management (CCM) is a healthcare approach designed to address the complex needs of patients with chronic conditions. When properly executed, a remote chronic care management program can be a win-win for your patients and your practice.

Why is chronic care management important?

Chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer are leading causes of death and disability worldwide. CCM provides patients with personalized care plans that improve their quality of life and help prevent complications.

CCM is good for patients, and it’s good for healthcare providers. At its core, patients get better care, and providers get a care management infrastructure funded by reimbursements.

There are many benefits of chronic care management. Here are some additional benefits that support initiating a CCM program:

1. New net revenues

One of the many benefits of CCM is creating new net revenues. Each patient actively engaged in CCM can generate over $500 of additional revenue per year when combining direct CCM reimbursement with ancillary revenues from new office visits and other services throughout the year.

2. Loyal patients

Even more significant is the potential long-term value of a loyal patient, which can exceed a million dollars. An effective chronic care management program helps you develop a group of loyal patients. But that requires more than getting high marks on a patient satisfaction survey.

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Loyalty is built on trust that comes from consistently meeting a patient’s care needs, meeting or exceeding their expectations, and delivering a positive overall experience. That requires two things:

  • Easily identified entry and delivery points to provide care after an inpatient stay
  • Longitudinal care between office visits to keep patients healthy longer

3. Better quality, lower-cost care that meets value-based care reimbursement

Chronic diseases are expensive to treat, and they account for a significant portion of healthcare spending. By providing proactive, preventive care, CCM can help reduce healthcare costs associated with hospitalizations, emergency department visits, and other expensive treatments.

The results from an external study show that this approach can significantly reduce utilization and costs. Signallamp Health’s clients have also demonstrated that more patient interactions directly translate into higher MIPS scores and Medicare Advantage HEDIS scores.

4. Happier providers and staff

Providers and in-office staff benefit by being able to focus their care management efforts on their highest-risk patients. They also appreciate that remote nurses are able to improve medication adherence, keep patients on their plan of care, reduce facility-based utilization, and address questions before they become inbound calls to the practice.

What to look for in CCM solutions

Most providers have difficulty operationalizing a remote care management initiative that requires a new staffing model, has built-in flexibility for the patient, and is both efficient and sustainable. This could be due to many factors, such as the banality of tracking minutes, the need for onerous documentation, or the challenge of connecting with patients outside the office.

However, with the right partner, you can foster highly-engaged patients and long-term patient satisfaction.

When looking for the right CCM solution, look for a partner whose skilled team of nurses can deliver care remotely and has proven its ability to work with a variety of workflows. In other words, a partner like Signallamp Health.

“This program gives our patients expanded access, personalization and a constant connection with their doctors, who can stay in front of issues and prevent avoidable hospitalizations.” Dr. Karna Patel, Vice President, Tampa General Medical Group.

Experience the benefits of CCM with Signallamp Health

Chronic Care Management is a healthcare approach that provides patients with personalized care plans, improved coordination of care, and ongoing communication and support from their care team. By addressing the complex needs of patients with chronic conditions, CCM can improve patient outcomes, reduce healthcare costs, and improve patient engagement and satisfaction.

To experience the biggest benefits of a chronic care management system at scale, you need a solution that will work with you and your patients. Want to learn how Signallamp CCM can improve your practice? The first step is a consultation.

BIG NEWS! Accuhealth and Signallamp Health have officially merged to create TelliHealth! Visit our announcement page to learn more.


Signallamp Health: More Than a Nurse in a Chair

Overview of Signallamp Health

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