December 22nd, 2022

Nurse of the Month: Harmony Noldy

Jen Nicastro, Chief Nursing Officer
Jen Nicastro, Chief Nursing Officer

How did you first learn about Signallamp?

I first learned about Signallamp on Indeed. I was looking for a remote nursing job after being a travel nurse for several years. I wanted to be home instead of living out of suitcases for months at a time.

What do you like the most about your job?

I love the flexibility afforded us at Signallamp. I can flex hours when I have obligations or appointments. Also, I get to work from home where I can watch my 11-month-old son’s growth. It’s amazing! A few weeks ago, on a Monday he started crawling and I was home to see it. It is a privilege to be present for all his milestones.

What is the best career lesson you have learned so far?

I have learned to be a team-player and stay positive. Even though most of what we do seems on our own, it is important to have a good relationship with your co-workers. I love being able to message the nurses on my team. We encourage each other and the morale here at Signallamp is great.

Compared with day one, how has Signallamp grown?

There has been such an evolution within Salesforce. Kudos to the Salesforce team! There is so much more content and resources available within Salesforce. The ticketing system is my favorite new thing. It is such an improvement over the emails that we used to send. And there’s always something new and exciting coming next.

If you could select one co-worker to mentor you, who would you pick and why?

I would pick Maria Hadley. She was my preceptor when I started, and I learned so much from her. She was always relaxed and joking, which really taught me the importance of being positive. I still Teams-message her often because she is such a wealth of information, a good listener, and a great friend.

What do you like to do when you are not working?

I love to spend time reading my Bible and doing activities with members of my Church family. I go to multiple small group Bible studies throughout the week after work, and I volunteer with members of my Church family for community outreach projects which give back to those in need. I love planning fundraisers and events. In fact, we’re planning a back-to-school clothing swap for the Fall.

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What is a fun fact about you many people may not know?

Although I haven’t played in some time, I love playing Dungeons and Dragons. I have been playing since I was 15! Four years ago, I transitioned from player to dungeon master (DM) and I have DMed 3 successful campaigns. Unfortunately, I don’t have time for playing any more, but it will always hold a special place in my heart.

Tell us about the craziest experience you have had with a patient:

At the end of December 2020, I called a patient concerned by their symptoms. The patient complained of an unrelenting headache that “felt like a knife stabbing from the back of the skull.” The patient thought the symptoms were anxiety related and I messaged the PCP asking the patient to go to the ER. The patient declined. After multiple calls the patient agreed to go to the emergency department on New Year’s Eve just to get me to stop calling. When I got back to work on January 4, I received a call from the patient. The patient was calling from the ICU. The patient was diagnosed with a brain bleed. According to the provider, if the patient had not presented to the ED when she did, it is very likely that she would have died. The patient is now living a normal life and I still call her monthly.