How did you first learn about Signallamp?
I first learned about Signallamp Health from Indeed as I was very interested in working remotely. Once I saw the job description on Indeed’s website, I knew it was the perfect match for what I had been searching.
What do you like the most about your job?
I love the flexibility of the job and also love the support I get from my coworkers. Although we may not be together in the same office, someone is always willing to help you, which is such a great feeling.
What is the best career lesson you have learned so far?
Best career lessons: Always listen and follow your gut instinct, it’s almost always right! Also, if something does not feel right, it probably is not right, so don’t be afraid to speak up!
Compared with day one, how has Signallamp grown?
Signallamp Health has significantly improved training for new nurses from when I first started. Incorporating monthly workshop calls has also been a huge benefit for our nurses. Of course, our system is always continuing to improve.
If you could select one co-worker to mentor you, who would you pick and why?
Harmony Noldy! Harmony has been very welcoming since I first started working at Signallamp. She is always available when seeking advice or suggestions, and she taught me early on that there is no such thing as a dumb question. She is such a positive person and I’m so lucky to be on the same team as her.
What do you like to do when you are not working?
When I am not working, I love hanging out with family and friends. We enjoy travelling, tackling home projects, working out, and cooking together.

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What is a fun fact about you many people may not know?
I am currently pregnant with my second baby boy, now due in June. We are so excited!
Tell us about the craziest experience you have had with a patient:
My craziest experience with a patient since working at Signallamp was when I placed a routine monthly call to one of my patients. He had been experiencing chest pain for weeks and checked again with his cardiologist be his cardiologist was out of town, so the patient was going to wait until his return before seeking medical attention. Due to his symptoms and extensive cardiac history, I advised the patient to go to the ER straightaway, but he refused. After placing a call to his cardiologist’s office to let them know what was happening, I spoke with an NP there who called the patient urging him to go to the ER. Patient ends up going to the ER and they discover his troponins were elevated so he goes straight to the cath lab and his LAD was 90% occluded so a stent was placed, and patient is now doing well. He has also had multiple follow-ups with cardiology since then, so I’m glad I acted on my gut instinct when I sensed something was wrong.