November 18th, 2020

How Remote Care Management Can Positively Affect Your Entire Health System

Jen Nicastro, Chief Nursing Officer
Jen Nicastro, Chief Nursing Officer

Looking forward, almost every measure of success for health systems will hinge on managing patients in between face-to- face care. COVID-19 has hastened the speed and emphasized the urgency of this shift, especially when you consider that 55% of chronic disease patients have avoided routine care during the pandemic, according to a recent survey released by the CDC in the September Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

To deliver remote care requires the use of spare clinical resources (Doctors, Advanced Practice Clinicians or Nurses) who can identify and begin to address a patient’s medical and non-medical needs between office visits.  Effective care cannot wait until the patient shows up on your doorstep.  

The pillars of successful execution – funding, staffing and scaling – are huge challenges.  That’s why Signallamp Health’s turnkey model makes it easy for you to manage patients remotely. Our program actively engages patients in their home settings to deliver personalized care for every patient. 

The best of people and technology

Saddling providers with additional duties is unlikely to get buy-in, especially if reimbursement rates don’t move higher.   Our team of compassionate, experienced nurses is able to harness the provider-patient relationship to build meaningful relationships with your patients.  Nurses (not MAs or CNAs) contact your patients between office visits and keep them focused on their health and sticking to the provider’s plan of care.  Patients are engaged in their own good health and self-management, keeping them healthier and happier.

By and large our nurses address those day-to-day issues that don’t require higher-level medical decision-making, thus reducing work for providers and in-office staff alike.  Should the need arise, the nurse will triage the appropriate staff contact if the patient is experiencing a change in status and requires new direction or an office appointment.

How we do it

There are a number of key requirements for remote care that health systems offload to Signallamp.  

  1. Staffing: We hire and train our nurse staff 100% remotely.  This allows us to assemble the best team in the shortest amount of time, even if staffing shortages exist in the local market.   We can scale quickly and cost-effectively
  2. Real World Technology:  Signallamp invests in technology to manage a remote staff that can work with 100s not dozens of patients every month.  We’re pragmatists.  We fully understand the importance of operating within existing provider workflow but we’re not waiting for EHR interoperability or for providers to adopt one EHR platform. Instead, we serve patients within your existing EHR infrastructure(s), and importantly, tailor everything to providers day-to-day workflow. We become an extension and integral piece of the practice and care team.
  3. Compliance: CMS has placed a number of compliance hurdles. For example, each patient must be enrolled in the program, which requires its own staffing and workflows.  Because we operate within your EHR infrastructure, we confirm completion of all documentation, care plan delivery, billing.  The health system has 100% visibility, but Signallamp handles all program administration.
  4. Funding: No staffing, IT implementation, or additional burden of management time.  Our turnkey program makes real results possible and scales as your needs grow. Furthermore, Signallamp is at full financial risk. We are compensated only on work we do, the patients we connect with and the net new revenue we create for your organization.


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About Signallamp

Signallamp Health is the execution arm of population health. Signallamp’s technology platform enables its distributed workforce of nurses to partner with the same care team each day and longitudinally support the same panel of patients. Signallamp’s dedicated nursing resources target untapped sources of revenue, drive ancillary services and help you succeed in value-based programs by engaging patients in their health and delivering better health outcomes.

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